
The Designated Safeguarding Leaders for Aston All Saints CofE Primary School are:

Mrs R Webster - Designated Safeguarding Leader
Mrs H Searle - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader
Mrs A Hallewell - Safeguarding Governor

Whilst schools and local authorities play a lead role, safeguarding children and protecting them from harm is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play. 
Our school fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children from harm and supporting and promoting the welfare of all children who are registered pupils at our school. This will include recognising when they are at risk and how to get help when they need it and identifying children who may benefit from early help. We also assess the risks and issues in the wider community when considering the wellbeing and safety of our pupils.  
The following documents and links provide important and helpful information to support our collective drive to keep the children in our care, safe from harm.  

Please see our 'School Policies' tab for our most up to date Safeguarding policy. 

Supporting Children in School with Medical Conditions

Operation Encompass Information

DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education Publication