Diocese of Sheffield Academy Trust Information
Aston All Saints C of E Primary School is part of the Diocese Sheffield Academies Trust (DSAT). In our school, governance lies with the trust. We have a Local School Board, who are the eyes and ears on the ground and work alongside governance at trust level.
The Diocese of Sheffield Academy Trust are based at Flanderwell Early Excellence Centre, Greenfield Court, Flanderwell, Rotherham, S66 2JF England
Tel: 01709 718640
Click here for access to DSAT Website Link
Click here to access the DSAT policies
Click here for more information about our trust- DSAT.
Click here for our trust Board of Directors.
Trustee/Directors Register of Business/Pecuniary Interests
“A conflict of interest is a set of circumstances that creates a risk that an individual’s ability to apply judgement or act in one role is, or could be, impaired or influenced by a secondary interest. It can occur in any situation where an individual or organisation (private or government) can exploit a professional or official role for personal or other benefit. This definition is based on generally accepted standards”. Source: National Audit Office.
Please see the link below for our trust 'Directors Trustees Business Interests.' DSAT Business Interests