Program of study

Pupils learn about and from Christianity in depth and also about and from other principle religions represented in Britain. RE provides our pupils with opportunity to learn about other world faiths as they develop a sense of fairness and justice for all whatever their background and wherever they live. Our spiritual, moral, social and cultural education reinforces the children’s appreciation of others and their rights.

We cover a range of religions across our school including:

See the progression document for RE by key phase for more information.

Progression in Religious Education

Below are links to the National Curriculum  and information about the Church of England's Understanding Christianity scheme.  The Rotherham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education is also available below.


Religious Education - Theological Rationale

We believe that all children have their origin in the love of God and are all God’s children.

We hold, therefore, that all children have value and worth. (Genesis 1:26-27 ‘All are made in the image of God.”)

This leads us to celebrate the amazing diversity that is found within our school community, considering particularly protected characteristics and our vulnerable children.

We celebrate diversity, having a particular concern that the excluded are included: all are welcome in our trust. (Romans 15:7 “Therefore welcome one another, as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”

Inclusion isn’t always present in human relationships, and because of this, we strive for equality in our school, so all children in our school community feel that they are in a safe place to learn and grow. By the way we offer an inclusive education, we express the inclusive, everlasting love of God.  (Jeremiah 31:3 “I have love you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness.”)

Arising from these strong beliefs, we have a particular concern that no child feels ‘on the edge’, ‘outside’ or ‘left behind’ in our school families. This is depicted in Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15: 3- 8) and the teaching of Jesus as the Good Shepherd (John 10.16). In Aston C of E Primary school, we actively seek those not included so that the excluded become included too. We always strive fervently to offer excellence in education to all, including our most vulnerable and educationally disadvantaged pupils (Pupil Premium, SEND, EAL and those known to social care), so that no one is left behind and quality education offers hope of fullness of life to all.