At Aston All Saints we follow the Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work. Jigsaw meets all statutory RSHE requirements, but it also elevates educational outcomes along with mental health and safeguarding. The Jigsaw programme provides a progressive and spiral PSHE curriculum, links to our whole school assemblies and songs, adult modelling, outdoor lessons, social games at lunchtime & understanding of different worldviews.

Jigsaw nurtures children to be confident and successful, increasing their capacity to learn, preparing them for the challenges of the modern world.

Developed by teachers and well-being experts, Jigsaw provides children with opportunities to develop their emotional intelligence and life skills.


Click here to view our RSE Curriculum Reception to Year Six 

PHSE Reception Knowledge & Skills Progression Document Parents

PHSE Year One Knowledge & Skills Progression Document Parents 

PHSE Year Two Knowledge & Skills Progression Document Parents

PHSE Year Three Knowledge & Skills Progression Document Parents

PHSE Year Four Knowledge & Skills Progression Document Parents

PHSE Year Five Knowledge & Skills Progression Document Parents

PHSE Year Six Knowledge & Skills Progression Document Parents

Relationships and sex education letter to parents & carers 2025

Click on the link below for the DFE Website and the National Curriculum documents

PSHE National Curriculum

Click below to read the Essentials Curriculum document which we follow on conjunction with the National Curriculum at Aston C of E Primary School: 

Essential Curriculum Document 


Crucial Crew

Year 6 engage in a personal development day as part of their preparations for transition to secondary school.

Several Times On Purpose - Anti-bullying competition

We had so many fantastic entries across school - you made it so difficult for the school council to decide! We had posters, poems, songs, dance, films of performances with musical instruments, dramatised situation filmed and even a cake! Well done to all the entries and we managed to choose a winner from each class, and an overall winner which was the Year 3 girls who wrote and performed their own song - what an absolutely brilliant way to raise awareness across our school. Well done everyone from Mrs Mottershaw

Year Four also take part in the Archbishop of York's Young Leaders Award

Raising funds for their chosen heart charity as part of the Young Leader's Award

Following a visit to the Town Hall by the School Council, the Mayor and Mayoress visited Aston C of E!